Allah is the greatest. He is the most glorious being in the universe, deserving of all honor and respect. If Allah is the greatest, He must also be the most loving being in the universe. But how has He demonstrated this love? In the Injil, Isa Ibn Maryam said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). But Allah cannot die, so He must not be able to show love in this way. The Injil is clear, however, that Allah did show love in this way. He took on human form in the person of Isa Ibn Maryam so that He could demonstrate His love for His people. Isa Ibn Maryam is Allah in human form. He is the Word by whom all things were created (John 1:1-2). Although we have dishonored Allah through our actions, words, and thoughts, Isa Ibn Maryam did not. We deserve the judgment of Allah because of our sins, but out of love for us, Isa Ibn Maryam freely took the punishment and the shame we deserve while he was on the cross. He died a horrific death. But he did not stay dead. He rose from the dead and appeared to hundreds of people at once (1 Corinthians 15:6)! Isa Ibn Maryam made a way for us to receive honor and be with Allah forever in heaven. In the Injil, it says that if you believe that Isa Ibn Maryam’s death and resurrection is Allah’s loving way of giving you eternal life, and you repent of your sins, then you will go to paradise (John 3:16). If you reject Isa Ibn Maryam’s death, then you will go to hell. In the Injil, it says that Allah demonstrated His love for us by sending Isa Ibn Maryam to die for us, even though we are sinners (Romans 5:8). Will you accept Allah’s love? Or will you reject Him forever?